
How HackerRank uses coding challenges to find great developers

Programming is the Life of the Developers </> 

HackerRank replaced the pen and paper test which generally students and companies struggle through during placements and built automated Coding Challenges, helping organizations in finding great programmers.

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What does an IT career like? To the average person, it’s all about tech-savvy individuals coding, understanding computer networks, troubleshooting, and so on. The importance of soft skills is rarely, if ever, discussed.



Windows 10 Getting ‘Ultimate Performance’ Scheme to Boost Speed, Preview Build Reveals


  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17101 (RS4) includes new scheme

  • The scheme called ‘Ultimate Performance’ eliminates micro-latencies

  • Microsoft has also released Windows 10 RS5 build through Skip Ahead ring

Continue reading “Windows 10 Getting ‘Ultimate Performance’ Scheme to Boost Speed, Preview Build Reveals”


ParseDroid Vulnerabilities Threatened most Android Development Tools

A collection of vulnerabilities known as ParseDroid put users of popular Android development tools at risk.

Research from Check Point has discovered several vulnerabilities in downloadable and cloud-based Android development tools which all Java/Android programmers use to build their companies business applications. Even security analysts and reverse-engineers use some of the affected softwares to conduct their work.

The vulnerabilities were found to affect the most common Android IDEs including Google’s own Android Studio, JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse. Popular reverse-engineering tools for Android that were affected include APKTool, the Cuckoo-Droid service, and others.

Check Point notes how WikiLeaks leaked information as part of its ‘Vault 7’ release on how the CIA and NSA exploited vulnerabilities in the likes of CCleaner, Notepad++, and more to spread malware and acquire information on companies and their users.

This video demonstrates how the vulnerabilities could be used to attack the Android developer community:

Since discovering the vulnerabilities, Check Point informed the affected software makers of the problems. Google and JetBrains have verified and acknowledged the security issues and have since “effectively deployed a fix.”

The full technical analysis can be found :

Are you concerned by Check Point’s findings? Let us know in the comments.


How to Earn Money as Developer and Programmer


Are you a coder or white-hat hacker looking to make some money on the side? Bug bounty hunting might be the perfect gig for you.

What Is Bug Bounty Hunting?

Bug bounty hunting is being paid to find vulnerabilities in software, websites, and web applications. The security teams at major companies don’t have enough time or manpower to squash all the bugs they have, so they reach out to private contractors for help. Basically, you use your tools to break things (or break into things), write up a vulnerability report to the company who’s issued the bounty, then get paid. Some hackers make tens of thousands of dollars a year on the side just hunting bugs.

To do it, however, you’ll need to at least know some basic coding and computer skills. Fortunately, we’ve got tons of great resources to help get you started, and coding is pretty easy to teach yourself. That said, if you have no idea what any of this stuff means as you read on, bug bounty hunting probably isn’t for you.

Do Some Research and Get Your Tools

Once you’ve got a grip on basic coding, you need to take a deep dive into web applications and how they work. Lucky for you, there’s tons of great resources out there that can point you in the right direction. Start by reading:

Then get the right tools. You’ll need:

Then check out the OWASP WebGoat lab, where you can practice finding bugs and vulnerabilities in web applications, and take a look at the Google Bughunter University as well. They have lots of great information bug hunting and how to write solid vulnerability reports that will get you paid. Sites like Bugcrowd and HackerOne can help with that aspect as well.

Find Bug Bounty Listings and Go Hunting

Once you’re armed with knowledge and the right tools, you’re ready to look for some bugs to squash. Companies will often have a link somewhere on their website offering bug bounties, but they can be hard to find. You’re better off checking a bounty board where hackers are reading publicly disclosed vulnerability reports and updating an active list on the daily. Like these:

HackerOne also offers Disclosure Assistance, which is a place where a hacker can report any vulnerability to any organization. Even if the organization doesn’t have a vulnerability program, they can contact them and deliver the report. It also helps to join a bug bounty hunter community forum—like those sites listed above—so you can stay up to date on new bounties and tools of the trade. To hunt bugs you also have to be willing to continually learn as you go. Web applications and bug hunting tools are constantly updating, so you need to be on the ball if you want to do things right.


The Best Code Editors for Developers & Programmers

The Best Code Editors for Developers & Programmers

There Are Many of the Code Editor for all type of Developer from C to C++ to Html to PHP to Asp.net to vb.net to JAVA to JavaScript to VB to Python to Android to linux to C# to perl to ruby on rail to CSS to Jquery to All :).

Continue reading “The Best Code Editors for Developers & Programmers”

WhatsApp: Here’s a List of New Features Introduced and Spotted in 2017


WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app in the world, used by over 1.2 billion people worldwide and 200 million in India alone. Despite its success, the Facebook-owned company has not become complacent and always keeps the competition on its toes by releasing new features every few weeks. 2017, of course, saw the overhauled WhatsApp Status (an aping of Snapchat), but there have been many other small updates this year that didn’t get as much attention.  From increased media sharing limit to video streaming, we take a look at all the new WhatsApp features released this year alone. While going down this memory lane, we’ve ranked features in the order that we feel made the most impact (or will make, if in beta) in user experience.

Continue reading “WhatsApp: Here’s a List of New Features Introduced and Spotted in 2017”


Facebook’s Launching a New Library of Free Audio Tracks to Add Music to Your Videos


Facebook’s launching a new listing of music tracks which people can use in their videos without fear of infringing copyright.

Called ‘Sound Collection’, the tool includes a listing of various audio options.

Continue reading “Facebook’s Launching a New Library of Free Audio Tracks to Add Music to Your Videos”