Top 10 Most Valuabl Online Indian Companies


Indian online startup ecosystem has boomed in the last couple of decades. With a high influx of foreign capital in multiple startups, an acceleration was provided to both great and not so great ideas. Many faded out before shining, and some continue on the path to become even bigger. A few Indian companies made to the list of the most valuable startups in the world in terms of their valuation. Here is a list of top 10 most valuable online Indian companies (some are too big to be called startups).

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How HackerRank uses coding challenges to find great developers

Programming is the Life of the Developers </> 

HackerRank replaced the pen and paper test which generally students and companies struggle through during placements and built automated Coding Challenges, helping organizations in finding great programmers.

Continue reading “How HackerRank uses coding challenges to find great developers”



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What does an IT career like? To the average person, it’s all about tech-savvy individuals coding, understanding computer networks, troubleshooting, and so on. The importance of soft skills is rarely, if ever, discussed.



Google Drafting Ethical Principles to Guide Use of Technology as Employees Revolt Defence Project


  • Over 3,000 Google employees have signed a letter protesting defence work
  • Google’s Maven AI program can classify objects in surveillance footage
  • Employees at Google worried Maven can be used to target people to kill

Continue reading “Google Drafting Ethical Principles to Guide Use of Technology as Employees Revolt Defence Project”


Google Said to Be Blocking GApps on Uncertified Devices; Custom ROMs an Exception



  • Google is blocking access to its apps on uncertified Android devices
  • Android devices with firmware built after March 16 will be blocked
  • Google has made an exception for the custom ROM users

Continue reading “Google Said to Be Blocking GApps on Uncertified Devices; Custom ROMs an Exception”


Internet in Indian languages can add 200 million new users: IAMAI report

Internet in Indic languages would be a key motivator for 23% of Internet non-users to go digital, said the report by not-for-profit industry body Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and market research firm Kantar IMRB.


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Internet in Indian Languages Can Add 200 Million New Users: IAMAI

Continue reading “Internet in Indian languages can add 200 million new users: IAMAI report”


Google Open Sources ‘Portrait Mode’ Image Software for Developers, Similar to Pixel 2

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Google Open Sources ‘Portrait Mode’ Image Software for Developers, Similar to Pixel 2


  • The image segmentation model is named DeepLab-v3+

  • This is not the same technology as seen on the Pixel 2

  • DeepLab-v3+ aims at pinpointing object outlines for better images

Continue reading “Google Open Sources ‘Portrait Mode’ Image Software for Developers, Similar to Pixel 2”


Facebook, NASSCOM Launch Design4India Studio in Bengaluru


In a bid to provide mentorship in design, innovation and entrepreneurship for software companies and startups, the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) in association with Facebook on Monday launched “Design4India Studio” in Bengaluru.

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Google Starts Rolling Out March Android Security Update for Pixel, Nexus Devices


  • Google has started rolling out March Android security update
  • The new update is available for compatible Pixel and Nexus devices
  • It addresses a total of 37 issues

Continue reading “Google Starts Rolling Out March Android Security Update for Pixel, Nexus Devices”


GitHub whacked by ‘biggest ever’ 1.35Tbps DDoS attack

GitHub whacked by ‘biggest ever’ 1.35Tbps DDoS attack

CODE REPOSITORY GitHub has been slapped by the ‘biggest ever’ distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.

In a post on its engineering blog, the firm revealed that on 28 Feb, was offline from 17:21 to 17:26 (UTC time) and intermittently unavailable from 17:26 to 17:30 due to the massive DDoS attack.

According to GitHub, the first portion of the attack peaked at 1.35Tbps, followed by a second 400Gbps spike later that day. This would make it the biggest DDoS attack of all time, as until now the biggest recorded peaked at around 1.1Tbps.

However, the site advised that during no point of the attack “was the confidentiality or integrity of your data at risk.”

“The attack originated from over a thousand different autonomous systems across tens of thousands of unique endpoints,” GitHub said in the blog post. “It was an amplification attack using the memcached-based approach described above that peaked at 1.35Tbps via 126.9 million packets per second.”

GitHub said an attack of this nature could generate vast amounts of traffic, with the spoofing of IP addresses allowing responses to be targeted against another address, like those used to serve, and send more data toward the target than needs to be sent by the unspoofed source.

“The vulnerability via misconfiguration described in the post is somewhat unique amongst that class of attacks because the amplification factor is up to 51,000, meaning that for each byte sent by the attacker, up to 51KB is sent toward the target,” it added.

Due to the scale of the attack, GitHub has decided to move traffic to Akamai, which it says might help provide additional edge network capacity. It said it is now investigating the use of its monitoring infrastructure to automate enabling DDoS mitigation providers and will continue to measure its response times to incidents like this – with a goal of reducing mean time to recovery.

Last month, Uber revealed it has stopped using GitHub for in-house code, alleging that hackers behind the 2016 data breach against it used credentials found on the platform to gain access to an AWS S3 bucket.

The hackers, one believed to be from Canada and another from Florida, stole more than 57 million customer records in 2016. Uber paid them $100,000 through its bug bounty programme to keep the information quiet. µ



Windows 10 Getting ‘Ultimate Performance’ Scheme to Boost Speed, Preview Build Reveals


  • Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17101 (RS4) includes new scheme

  • The scheme called ‘Ultimate Performance’ eliminates micro-latencies

  • Microsoft has also released Windows 10 RS5 build through Skip Ahead ring

Continue reading “Windows 10 Getting ‘Ultimate Performance’ Scheme to Boost Speed, Preview Build Reveals”


ParseDroid Vulnerabilities Threatened most Android Development Tools

A collection of vulnerabilities known as ParseDroid put users of popular Android development tools at risk.

Research from Check Point has discovered several vulnerabilities in downloadable and cloud-based Android development tools which all Java/Android programmers use to build their companies business applications. Even security analysts and reverse-engineers use some of the affected softwares to conduct their work.

The vulnerabilities were found to affect the most common Android IDEs including Google’s own Android Studio, JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA, and Eclipse. Popular reverse-engineering tools for Android that were affected include APKTool, the Cuckoo-Droid service, and others.

Check Point notes how WikiLeaks leaked information as part of its ‘Vault 7’ release on how the CIA and NSA exploited vulnerabilities in the likes of CCleaner, Notepad++, and more to spread malware and acquire information on companies and their users.

This video demonstrates how the vulnerabilities could be used to attack the Android developer community:

Since discovering the vulnerabilities, Check Point informed the affected software makers of the problems. Google and JetBrains have verified and acknowledged the security issues and have since “effectively deployed a fix.”

The full technical analysis can be found :

Are you concerned by Check Point’s findings? Let us know in the comments.



8 Web Development Trends for 2018

From progressive web apps to static sites, we take a look at some of the trends that developers can expect to see in the coming year.

23755647_1982322942048242_3823739429874911617_n By Vaibhav  Singh  , Feb.  01 , 18  ,Web Development


Since its implementation, the internet has continued to evolve. In its early days, Mosaic and Netscape Navigator helped to democratize it, and since then each new year brought new concepts, new ideas, and trends, sometimes good, sometimes bad.

One of the lessons of all these years of change and new trends is that to succeed, you often have to ride the wave of change rather than just letting go. You can do this by exploring tomorrow’s trends and seeking to integrate those that may apply to you before everyone else does.

Here are eight web development trends that are expected to have a major global impact on the industry in 2018.

Chatbots : –

Being connected to users is more important than ever. Chatbots, written or oral conversation software, allow a website to be contacted daily, at any time, without having to continuously maintain a customer service department. The evolution of chatbots has given them new capabilities: they can answer the most common questions, redirect customers to information or web pages, or even help them complete a transaction. As consumers become accustomed to their presence and ways of interacting with them, they will expect all sites to have chatbots.

Progressive Web Apps: –

A recent study on mobile phone usage showed that apps accounted for 89% of the time spent on our smartphone. It would, therefore, be logical that the use of a format similar to a mobile application is well received by the general public.

The progressive web apps are applications that take advantage of the features of an internet browser, with a mobile application interface. This technology has many advantages, such as the ability to work offline, virtually no load time (because much of the information is stored in the cache of the phone), good reliability, and the ability to receive notifications. These progressive web apps can be designed faster than mobile applications, work for all users, and are generally easier to deploy and maintain, which is good for both the developer and the user.

Website Notifications / Web Push: –

Notifications are one of the best tools for mobile apps. The ability to send information directly to an interested user soon became very popular in all areas, from traffic info to sports scores or promotional sales. This type of communication also works with websites after the user authorizes the notifications. This provides greater customer engagement without the added costs of creating a mobile app that replaces a website. For More You Can See the website of Our , It is fully HTML5 Based Website where you can see the website notification .

One-Page Websites: –

These sites are composed of, well, one, very long, page. To navigate it, we simply scroll, or use links to go down or up the page to the desired section.

The biggest advantage of these sites is their simplicity. There is no intricate navigation or endless menus to explore. And this concept works very well on smartphones, where scrolling is the easiest navigation mode. It is a modern solution to simple online needs, and very inexpensive to develop and host For E.g :

Static Websites: –

A static website is very basic. Each page is simply encoded in HTML5 or PHP coded and displays the static content for each visitor. Why, you ask, would you seemingly want to take a step back in web technology? For the sake of simplicity.

These websites are secure, load quickly, and are not expensive to develop. I imagine in the near future we’ll witness a resurgence of static sites in budget-conscious projects. Especially since they are now much more advanced than the first static sites, and much less boring or difficult to achieve.

User Interfaces in Motion: –

Interfaces have been a major concern for developers for several years. Even the best designs are pointless if the user is not able to find what he is looking for. Interfaces allow you to use animations or transitions that show users certain actions, or important parts, in addition to breathing life and class into projects.

This technology opens a wide range of customization, giving the developer a lot of options for building a very functional and attractive website. Examples of movements include easing, superposition, cloning, obscuration, parallax scrolling, matching, and games on dimensionality.

The Release of Flash: –

Flash was something very interesting for websites: it allowed developers to add animations or other movements. It has been used extensively for years, but it is now something that everyone should try to get rid of. Adobe announced this year that Flash will no longer be updated or released after 2020. In addition, it is incompatible with most phones. Rather than losing your audience, especially on the mobile version of your site, you should replace Flash with HTML5, which is quickly becoming the universal format on the internet.

Photo Content: –

The interest of a good photo has never been so great on the internet, especially because a good photo can allow (re)launch a discussion. This concept is not new since, in the golden age of the paper magazine, quality photos were in great demand to launch debates simply from the story contained in the image. A unique photo, full of individuality, but also conveying information, will be the key to success on the internet in 2018.

Conclusion: –

Trends are moving as fast as they arrive, as our technologies evolve. These new features can be used to attract and retain customers when they are well used. That’s why it’s important to look to the future for new ideas and inspiration and to stay ahead of the competition.

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Facebook’s Launching a New Library of Free Audio Tracks to Add Music to Your Videos


Facebook’s launching a new listing of music tracks which people can use in their videos without fear of infringing copyright.

Called ‘Sound Collection’, the tool includes a listing of various audio options.

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All Reliance Jio offers, recharge plans with no daily limit on data usage; find out if you can benefit

Jio-SIM-Card-Reliance-Jio-LYF - Copy

Reliance Jio is offering four prepaid recharge plans without any daily data usage limits. This means that a subscriber will be able to use the total benefit provided in these prepaid recharge plans of Jio offer at high speeds whenever s/he wants.

Continue reading “All Reliance Jio offers, recharge plans with no daily limit on data usage; find out if you can benefit”